Learned helplessness

Read time: 8 minutes

My favorite book of all time is called “Man’s search for meaning” by Viktor Frankl

It is the story of a holocaust survivor which showcases how humans can exceed their circumstances by changing their views on the events happening in their life.

Simply put: It is a story that reminds us we always have a choice, no matter what, even in the holocaust.

Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedomsto choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.” – Viktor Frankl

What is learned helplessness

If you could have learned helplessness in an image, I think this one would be it

Learned helplessness is not real. It is only in your head. You are both the creator and the slave of it.

Learned helplessness referes to an individual’s inability to see they can change their current situation.

In the academical domain, there is a fairly famous study introducing the idea of Learned Helplessness to the world:

“In Part 1 of this study, three groups of dogs were placed in harnesses. 

Group 1 dogs were simply put in a harnesses for a period of time and were later released. Groups 2 and 3 consisted of "yoked pairs". 

Dogs in Group 2 were given electric shocks at random times, which the dog could end by pressing a lever. 

Each dog in Group 3 was paired with a Group 2 dog; whenever a Group 2 dog got a shock, its paired dog in Group 3 got a shock of the same intensity and duration, but its lever did not stop the shock. 

To a dog in Group 3, it seemed that the shock ended at random, because it was their paired dog in Group 2 that was causing it to stop. Thus, for Group 3 dogs, the shock was "inescapable".

In Part 2 of the experiment the same three groups of dogs were tested in a shuttle-box apparatus (a chamber containing two rectangular compartments divided by a barrier a few inches high). 

ALL of the dogs could escape shocks on one side of the box by jumping over a low partition to the other side. The dogs in Groups 1 and 2 quickly learned this task and escaped the shock. Most of the Group 3 dogs – which had previously learned that nothing they did had any effect on shocks – simply lay down passively and whined when they were shocked.”

 “So live as if you were living already for the second time and as if you had acted the first time as wrongly as you are about to act now!” – Viktor Frankl

But I have no choice

I’ll call that bullshit. You ALWAYS have a choice. In every moment of every day you can choose to:

You DO have a choice. You can choose how you wish to react to events

What would be more appropriate to say is that your other choices suck.

They may lead to several thousand of euros in insurance, prison, or death.

Your choices may very well suck, but the worst thing you can do is to decide you have no choice. You ALWAYS DO have a choice.

When you accept the fact that you HAVE a choice, that at any moment you can DECIDE to act in another way against whatever is happening, you remember you are completely free to write your story the way you want to write it.

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” ― Viktor E. Frankl

It’s not helping you

Staying on the side of helplessness simply doesn’t bring any rewards. 

Even if you truly don’t have any better choice, it is of no use to belive that.

We need look no further than the effects placebo has on the brain:

“Medical history is replete with numerous reported cases where placebos were found to have a profound effect on a variety of disorders. 

One such astounding case was that of a woman suffering from severe nausea and vomiting. Objective measurements of her gastric contractions indicated a disrupted pattern matching the condition she complained of. 

Then a ‘new, magical, extremely potent’ drug was offered to her, which would, the doctors proclaimed, undoubtedly cure her nausea. 

Within a few minutes, her nausea vanished! 

The very same gastric tests now revealed normal pattern, when, in actuality, she had been given syrup of ipecac, a substance usually used to induce nausea! 

When the syrup was presented to her, paired with the strong suggestion of relief of nausea, by an authority figure, it acted as a (command) message to the brain that triggered a cascade of self-regulatory biochemical responses within the body. 

This instance dramatically demonstrates that the influence of placebo could be more potent than expected drug effect.”

If we can can recreate our bio-chemistry by mere beliving we can, just imagine what it can to for our attitudes, for our psychology, for our being.

Everything in your life is YOUR responsability

You are not exclusively responsible for everything that has ever happened in the world, or even everything that has happened to you, yet it does not help you to think otherwise.

If a car hits you, it’s not technically your fault.

But again, such belifes don’t empower your life.

Why not belive you can do something about it? 

Why not belive that if you pay enough attention to the envoirment you and your loved ones could skip being crushed by a few tons of metal?

You can always do something about it

Changing your attitude is easy and it’s a quick way to re-empower yourself.

You are not a headless chiken.

You are a strong human being who knows how to do the best for themselves.

Reshaping mental models

I have created a short list to help you to release the barriers you impose on your life by not allowing yourself to feel free at all times:

1.      Change your language

2.      Don’t be insane

3.      Identify the origin of learned helplessness

4.      Prove to yourself

5.      Create meaning