Perfect timing

Read time: 5 minutes

“Too young”, “too old”, “too soon”, “too late”.

Why is it so hard to find the perfect timing?

When is the perfect timing?

How do we find the perfect timing?

Is there even such a thing as perfect timing?

How to think about time

Time, just like money, energy, or your network is a resource.

The difference is that time is the only non-renewable resource.

How we spend our time once is how we have spent that time.

We cannot relive the 6th of August 2014.

There is only one thing we can do with our time, and that is spending it.

Therefore, if we can only spend our time, I would say we spend it wisely.

I would say we think deeply about when we do stuff, how we interact with people, how we can be as intentional as possible with the act of spending time.

If that is so, there must be a way for us to optimize our timing.

Can we really optimize timing?

Is there seriously something that has a “perfect time” to be done?

Does there exist an actual hour in the day, day in the week to best do something you wish to do?

The short answer: YES, WE CAN!

There is a best and worst time to be doing something.

There is a perfect time to be working on creative projects, on exact calculus or on out of the box problems.

There is a perfect time for each of us individually to be socializing or relaxing.

There is a perfect time to be asking for a raise, or a worst time to be baking decisions 

That is all thing that you can better learn from the book than I could ever teach: “When: The Scientific Secrets of Perfect Timing” by Daniel H. Pink.

My only advice is: Test.

Turn yourself into a lab rat and test yourself on your ability to socializing (at evening, at noon, just after you had breakfast, just before you get lunch and so forth).

Track all of those tests by keeping a journal and most importantly: ACT ON THE DATA.

If you are testing on yourself, make sure to act according to your test results.

So when is the perfect time to do stuff?

Right now, I could tell you that depending on your sleep cycle, of the time of day, of how a particular interaction went, you should be doing this or that… But you know what?

At the end of the day, that is bullshit.

The only time we REALLY have is HERE and NOW.

Sure we can dwell on the best time to be calling our clients, whether or not we should approach that girl at 5:30, or 5:35, or whether we should be working on creative projects in the morning, but that’s bullshit.

We do not need to wait on life for our perfect timing, for our perfect slot of existence when the stars align and everything falls into place.

If nothing else, the time to act is not on Friday the 23rd at 6:30. The time to act is RIGHT NOW.

“The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best is right now”

Photo credits:

Photo by Luke van Zyl on Unsplash

Photo by Will Truettner on Unsplash

Photo by Jules Bss on Unsplash